words without thoughts

“My words fly up, my thoughts remain below: Words without thoughts never to heaven go.”

– Hamlet, Act III, Scene iii

C. S. Lewis writes about the Efficacy of Prayer that “Simply to say prayers is not to pray; otherwise a team of properly trained parrots would serve as well as men for our experiment.”

The World’s Last Night and Other Essays

Further – “Prayer is not a machine. It is not magic. It is not advice offered to God. Our act, when we pray, must not, any more than all our other acts, be separated from the continuous act of God Himself, in which alone all finite causes operate.”


It would be even worse to think of those who get what they pray for as a sort of court favorites, people who have influence with the throne. The refused prayer of Christ in Gethsemane is answer enough to that. And I dare not leave out the hard saying which I once heard from an experienced Christian: “I have seen many striking answers to prayer and more than one that I thought miraculous. But they usually come at the beginning: before conversion, or soon after it. As the Christian life proceeds, they tend to be rarer. The refusals, too, are not only more frequent; they become more unmistakable, more emphatic.”

Does God then forsake just those who serve Him best? Well, He who served Him best of all said, near His tortured death, “Why hast thou forsaken me.” When God becomes man, that Man, of all others, is least comforted by God, at His greatest need. There is a mystery here which, even if I had the power, I might not have the courage to explore. Meanwhile, little people like you and me, if our prayers are sometimes granted, beyond all hope and probability, had better not draw hasty conclusions to our own advantage. If we were stronger, we might be less tenderly treated. If we were braver, we might be sent, with far less help, to defend far more desperate posts in the great battle.

enter my small life

LORD! GIVE ME COURAGE and love to open the door and constrain You to enter, whatever the disguise You come in, even before I fully recognize my guest.

Come in! Enter my small life!

Lay Your sacred hands on all the common things and small interests of that life and bless and change them. Transfigure my small resources, make them sacred. And in them give me Your very Self.


–          Evelyn Underhill

a sense of quiet

Arranging a bowl of flowers in the morning can give a sense of quiet in a crowded day – like writing a poem or saying a prayer.
– Anne Morrow Lindbergh, 1906 – 2001

help me live in Your presence

On March 27, 1968, Thomas Merton responded to a Carmelite superior who had questioned him about the meaning of “continual prayer.”  He tells her that this is indeed a long tradition about prayer–one that goes back to the desert fathers.  Yet he is at pains to point out that it is often misunderstood.  It becomes a serious problem when people think it means that one must continually concentrate on some concept or some object or some feeling.  “What is really meant,” he says, “is continual openness to God, attentiveness, listening, disposability, etc.”

William Shannon – Silence on Fire


A Walk to Sope Creek
by David Bottoms

Sometimes when I’ve made the mistake of anger, which sometimes
breeds the mistake of cruelty, I walk

down the rocky slope above the ruined mill on Sope Creek
where sweet gum and hickory weave sunlight

into gauzy screens.  And sometimes when I’ve made the mistake
of cruelty, which always breeds grief,

I remember how, years ago, my uncle led me, a boy,
into a thicket of pines and taught me to kneel

beside a white stone, the way a man had taught him, a boy,
to pray behind a clapboard church.

Sometimes when my heart is as dark as a stone, I weave
between trees above that crumbling mill

and stumble through those threaded screens of light,
the way an anger must fall

through many stages of remorse.
Any rock, he allowed, can be an altar.

the little implement

Prayer is the little implement
by Emily Dickinson

Prayer is the little implement
Through which Men reach
Where Presence — is denied them.
They fling their Speech
By means of it — in God’s Ear –
If then He hear –
This sums the Apparatus
Comprised in Prayer –

to pray is to change

reach for the luminous places

When we live surrounded by people, some of the passion and insight natural to us leaks away through the sieve of small talk.  At your most daring moments you believe that what is going on is the ultimate human work–the shaping of a soul.  The power of life comes from within; go there; pray; meditate.  Reach for those luminous places in your self.

– Ardis Whitman